
The Warrior's Way st of Time

Synopsis:  The world’s greatest swordsman abandons his warrior clan to start a new life in the American Badlands. Korean superstar Jang Dong Gun, Kate Bosworth, Danny Huston and Academy Award® winner Geoffrey Rush star in this epic story of revenge and redemption.
After a lifetime of training in martial arts and swordsmanship, Yang (Jang Dong Gun) has eliminated all but one of his clan’s enemies—an infant whose smile instantly melts his heart. Unwilling to kill her and unable protect her from his own deadly tribe, Yang takes the baby girl and flees, planning to seek refuge with an old friend living in Lode, a frontier town in the American West.

He arrives to find that his friend has died and the once-thriving Gold Rush town is in shambles, inhabited only by a few dozen eccentrics including Lynne (Kate Bosworth), a beautiful, spirited knife thrower-in-training, and Ron, a worn-out drunk (Geoffrey Rush). In order to make a safe home for the child far from the reach of his murderous clansman, Yang decides to stay on as the town’s new laundryman, sealing his sword for good.
Review:  As in the last Rogue movie I reviewed, the special effects are dazzling, but the dialog is dreadful. I am a huge fan of sword fighting movies and that is the main reason I went to see this movie. I almost wish it was in Japanese with English subtitles. Maybe then I wouldn’t have cared about the dialogue. Another problem I had with this movie was the laughable depiction of the stupid, hick, circus folk. Seriously, clowns with guns, come on. If I have to see one more Rogue flop, I am going to boycott Rogue films all together.  The only good scenes in this movie were the fight scenes (never drop a Gatling gun) and the cute scenes with the baby being carried around. If you are going to see this movie, I would wait till it arrives on Netflix.

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